All India Management Association (AIMA)

The All India Management Association (AIMA) is an apex body of professional management which was formed with support of the Government of India and Industry in 1957. It works closely with the industry, Government, academia and students to further the cause of the management profession in India.

AIMA is based on a federation of 67 Local Management Associations (LMAs) including Qatar Indian Management Association and Mauritius Management Association. One of the main activities of AIMA conducts the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) used by over 600 business schools across India, is represented in national forums and organisations and awards annual awards.

Work of AIMA

Brings the best management practices and techniques through numerous foreign collaborations with professional bodies and institutions. 

AIMA is a member of the Asian Association of Management Organisations (AAMO) and works closely with several international institutions in organising international conferences and management development programmes.

AIMA conducts the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) used by over 600 business schools across India.

Other tests conducted by AIMA include the Research Management Aptitude Test (RMAT), Under Graduate Aptitude Test (UGAT), Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) Certification and other customised tests.

Contact Details

All India Management Association
Management House
14, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003, India

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