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“Be so good they can’t ignore you” says Steve Martin, an American comedian. After successfully mastering over the Group Discussions and resumes (if applying for a job interview), it's now time for you to sail gracefully through the interview which is the final path to a job or a college admission. The interviews can be divided into two types-
Only one interviewer to evaluate the interviewee.
Team of interviewers consisting of two or more members to evaluate the interviewee.
First impression is the last impression: The candidates should work on to create a good first impression. Taking care of the body language reflects the positive language of the candidate.
Nonverbal Communication: Making eye contact, standing straight and connecting with a firm handshake are some of the qualities that demonstrates your confidence.
Put on a smile: Never forget to carry a smile while going for an interview. Take a deep breath and be confident about yourself. Do something like listening to your favourite number, playing a nice game on your cell phone or read some magazine that would soothe your nerves. Always remember, that a relaxed mind performs better. So, remain relaxed and most importantly also appear to be relaxed.
Be a good listener: A good communication skill also includes listening and letting the interviewer know that you have heard what was said.
Never get nervous: Always remember that this is not your last interview. Be in a high life condition and in such life state that nothing can bog you down and hence your life not at all depend on this particular interview.
Don't Talk Too Much: Talking too much and unnecessary things could bring in a wrong impression about you. You should always plan and structure beforehand and speak logically.
Honesty is the best policy: It leaves a very bad impression about the candidate if he/she lies in an interview. The interviewer(s) are much experienced people, so do not try to fool them.
Use of Appropriate Language: Be sure not to use any slang or inappropriate language during the interview.
Never be overconfident: The candidate should know to maintain the fine balance between modesty, professionalism and confidence. Therefore, overconfidence and at the same time being too reserved is bad.
Do not overdo with your look: Remember you are not going to participate in a fashion show or attend a wedding. So, dress accordingly.
Do not smoke: Even if you are chain smoker, please take note of the point that you do not smoke prior to the interview as it leaves a very bad impression among the interviewers.
Being over cautious is bad: Get out of the habit of running your hand through hair which is considered bad. Never be over conscious about the physical look.
No bad smell: The candidate should ensure that they do not smell bad, that leaves a bad impression.
Wish collectively: The Good morning and Good afternoon should be full of life and collectively if there is more than one interviewer.
No stern looks: Always remember that you are not going on a war and give a polite and an appealing look to the interviewers. The interviewers make the best effort to make you feel comfortable.
Utilize every minute: Make the best use of the 5-10 mins duration that you get for the interview. Instead of telling too much on your personal qualities, focus more on the expectations, experience, professional qualities, etc.
Be punctual: Being late for an interview is something that brings in a very bad impression and gives the impression that the candidate is very casual in his approach. It is better to reach the interview venue even before the scheduled time.
Interview Preparation Tips
Remember this is not the final call but just a call for an interview. So, prepare well for the interview, instead of getting more excited about the interview call.
The candidates should prepare well in advance and structure the things about how they will provide information about themselves. Start noting down things that you want to convey about yourself to the interviewer and check how much time it takes. The time duration should not be more than 2-3 minutes or not so short that you stop as soon as begin speaking.
Interview Questions
The candidates should prepare for themselves an exhaustive list of questions that they may be asked by the interviewer. Some of which may include:-
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?
What is the difference between hard work and smart work?
What are your goals?
What makes you angry?
Give me an example of your creativity.
What are your career options right now?
What are your outside interests?
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?