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- Entomologists
Beautiful butterflies and grass hoppers still fascinate you, if your answer is yes, then you should seriously think about a career as entomologists A career as an entomologist is an excellent choice for individuals with a strong interest in entomology and studying a variety of insects.
Entomologists investigate the biology, roles and management of insect pests, beneficial insects such as plant pollinators, insect parasites and insect predators and other insects and arthropods (for example, spiders and mites).
Role of Entomologists
- Study insect physiology, distribution and habitat, and recommend methods of preventing the importation and spread of harmful insect.
- Investigate and evaluate the role of insect pests in forests, agriculture, human health and the environment.
- Discover and describe new species of insects.
- Monitor insect biodiversity as part of ongoing efforts to preserve ecological integrity in natural landscapes.
- Conduct research into the impact and control of insect pest problems.
- Develop biological methods of controlling harmful insects, weeds and implement pest management programs.
- Preserve and maintain museum collections.
- Prepare and provide information to help the public identify insects and other arthropods.
- Co-ordinate public awareness and education programs.
Academic Qualifications for Entomologists
After graduation, aspirants can go for 2 years Post graduate course in Entomology or its related fields. The admission will be based on entrance examination. However, obtaining an advanced degree in Entomology (i.e PhD or MPhil) is required for those seeking positions in education or advanced research. Some of the specializations offered in the field of entomology are forest entomology, medical entomology and military entomology, agricultural entomology, insect physiology, veterinary entomology and insecticide toxicology.
Skills required to be Entomologists
- Knowledge skills: Keen interest in invertebrate biology and synthesizing information.
- Creative Skills: Combination of intellect, curiosity and creativity is useful during research.
- Analytical Skills: Patience and perseverance are required to pursue answers to complex research questions.
- Independent Decision: Ability to work well independently and as part of a team to conduct research, prepare reports, perform tasks requiring precision and supervising research projects.
- Communication Skills: the ability to communicate effectively with their colleagues and the general public.
Scope of Entomologists in India
An entomologist in India can go into teaching, scientific research and technical positions with colleges and universities, experiment stations, government agencies and military services. Entomologists in India are also required for sericulture and many other areas related to the study of insects. One can find employment in environment protection organizations, museums,forestry, botanical gardens, chemical manufacturing companies and so on. Health-care organizations, genetics, beekeeping, veterinary science, horticulture, food science and many areas of environmental studies need the valuable services of entomologists.
Opportunities are also available in firms like seed companies, fertilizer companies, insecticides and biological control base companies. Entomologists can take classes to help farmers learn to remove harmful bugs from their crops without spraying pesticides that can be harmful to both crops and humans.
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