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Central Hindi Training Institute
In compliance with the constitutional provisions, the task of teaching Hindi to those employees of central government, who do not possess the knowledge of Hindi, was initiated by the Ministry of Education in July, 1952.
Since 1974, in addition to the employees of the Ministries of the Central Government and its attached and subordinate offices, training in Hindi, Hindi Typing and Hindi Stenography has also been made compulsory for the employees of the Corporations, Bodies, Companies, Undertakings, Banks etc. owned or controlled by the Central Government. With the establishment of the Department of Official Language under the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1975, HIndi teaching scheme was brought under it.
Hindi Teaching Scheme has five regional offices located at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Guwahati.
The training programmes are being conducted at fulltime as well as at part time centers.
Vision of CHTI
To train all the personnel of the Central Government & the Undertakings, Corporations, Statutory Bodies and Nationalize Banks owned & controlled by the Central Government so that they can achieve proficiency in Hindi Language, Hindi Typing (Manual)/Hindi Word Processing (Computer) & Hindi Stenography and all the Official work can be done in Hindi, in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution.
The mission of CHTI&HTS is to complete the work of training of Hindi to those Central Government Employees and its Undertaking, Statutory Bodies, Corporations and Banks who do not possess the working knowledge of Hindi by the year 2025.
Training Programs of CHTI
Four types of training programmes are being conducted all over the country:- 1. In-service long term training through full time & part time centers. 2. The intensive (full working days) training of Hindi language, Hindi Word Processing (Computer)/ Hindi Typing (Manual) & Hindi Stenography. 3. Training of Hindi Language and Hindi Word Processing (Computer)/ Hindi Typing (Manual) through correspondence courses. 4. Short term training. Five day Short term training programme are conducted on the demand of user office. 5. Self-learning on internet through web by softwares of Lila Prabodh, Lila Praveen and Lila Pragya.
Central Hindi Training Institute
Department of Official Language
Ministry of Home Affairs
7 th Floor, Pandit Deen Dyal Antyoday Bhawan (Paryavaran Bhawan),
C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003