CUCET : सेंट्रल यूनिवर्सिटी कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट

सेंट्रल यूनिवर्सिटी कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट जिसे CUCET  के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, विभिन्न एकीकृत / यूजी, पीजी और पीएचडी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए आयोजित अखिल भारतीय स्तर की प्रवेश परीक्षा है। परीक्षा पूरे भारत के सभी केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों और डॉ. बी आर अंबेडकर स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स (बीएएसई) द्वारा प्रदान की जाती है। इसके अलावा, CUCET भारतीय शिल्प और डिजाइन संस्थान (IICD), जयपुर में प्रवेश के लिए पात्रता मानदंड भी है। आवेदन प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से ऑनलाइन है।

CUCET पात्रता मानदंड

  • यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए आवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को किसी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड से सफलतापूर्वक 10 + 2 या अन्य समकक्ष परीक्षा पूरी करनी चाहिए।
  • जो उम्मीदवार पीजी पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से सफलतापूर्वक स्नातक की शिक्षा पूरी करनी चाहिए।
  • हालांकि, यह अनुशंसा की जाती है कि उम्मीदवारों को CUCET परीक्षा के लिए प्रत्येक संस्थान द्वारा निर्दिष्ट उनके पाठ्यक्रम की पात्रता मानदंड की जांच करनी चाहिए।

CUCET  महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां

  • सभी कार्यक्रमों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र शुरु होने का समय -  मार्च
  • सभी कार्यक्रमों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र का समापन – अप्रैल
  • एडमिट कार्ड जारी करना - मई 
  • परीक्षा तिथि -  मई के अंतिम सप्ताह
  • परिणाम घोषणा - जून

पूरी समय सारिणी के लिए, यहां क्लिक करें

CUCET: आवेदन कैसे करें

1. आवेदकों को आवेदन पत्र में सभी विवरणों को सावधानीपूर्वक भरना आवश्यक है। सफलतापूर्वक ऑनलाइन आवेदन जमा करने पर छात्रों को सफल समापन संदेश मिलेगा।

2. एक उम्मीदवार आंशिक रूप से फॉर्म भर सकता है और बाद में इसे पूरा करने के लिए फिर से लॉगिन कर सकता है। उम्मीदवारों को पंजीकरण के समय और भुगतान पूरा करने के बाद एसएमएस और ईमेल अलर्ट प्राप्त होंगे। वह भुगतान स्थिति के साथ पंजीकरण पर्ची डाउनलोड कर सकता है।

आवेदन कैसे करें, यह जानने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

CUCET आवेदन प्रक्रिया

  • CUCET के ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
  • उम्मीदवारों को अपने नवीनतम पासपोर्ट आकार के फोटो और हस्ताक्षर निर्धारित विनिर्देशों के अनुसार अपलोड करने के लिए आवश्यक हैं (फोटोग्राफ का आकार: 10KB - 100KB, हस्ताक्षर का आकार: 5KB - 20KB) होना चाहिए। ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

CUCET आवेदन शुल्क

  • आवेदन शुल्क के भुगतान के साथ आवेदन प्रक्रिया पूरी होगी।
  • सामान्य / ओबीसी उम्मीदवारों: 800 रुपय/ -
  • एससी / एसटी उम्मीदवार: 350 रुपय / -
  • पीडब्ल्यूडी उम्मीदवार: शून्य

ध्यान दें:

  • भुगतान नेटबैंकिंग / डेबिट / क्रेडिट कार्ड या बैंक चालान के माध्यम से किया जा सकता है
  • जीएसटी और भारत सरकार के बैंक मानदंड के अनुसार लागू अन्य कर। 
  • उपरोक्त के रूप में आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान करके उम्मीदवार कुल 3 पीयू के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए पात्र हैं। वह प्रत्येक पीयू में तीन कार्यक्रमों का चयन कर सकता है।
  • छात्र अतिरिक्त शुल्क का भुगतान करके एड-ऑन सुविधा का लाभ उठाकर 03 अतिरिक्त पीयू (प्रत्येक के 03 कार्यक्रम) तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं। 800 रुपय / - (जनरल / ओबीसी उम्मीदवार) एवं  350 रुपय - (एससी / एसटी उम्मीदवार) को देने होगें। फीस में परिवर्तन हो सकता है।

CUCET परीक्षा पैटर्न

  • प्रश्नों की संख्या: 100 बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (प्रत्येक पेपर दो भागों में विभाजित है - भाग ए और भाग बी)। भाग बी को हालांकि उन वर्गों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है जो इस बात पर निर्भर करते हैं कि उम्मीदवार ने आवेदन किया है। पार्ट बी के प्रत्येक खंड में 25 या अधिक प्रश्न हो सकते हैं।
  • अवधि: 2 घंटे
  • कुल अंक: प्रत्येक सही प्रतिक्रिया के लिए 1 अंक। हालांकि, प्रत्येक गलत प्रतिक्रिया के लिए 0.25 अंक का नकारात्मक अंकन है।

CUCET  कार्यक्रम

केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय विभिन्न प्रकार के स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर और डॉक्टरेट कार्यक्रम प्रदान करते हैं।

स्नातक कार्यक्रमों की सूची

Integrated M. Tech.
Program: B. Tech. & M. Tech.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: B.Tech.
Program: Computer Science and Engineering
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B.Tech.
Program: Electrical Engineering
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B. Tech.
Program: Civil Engineering
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B. Tech.
Program: Printing and Packaging Technology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Integrated  B.Sc. B.Ed.
Program: B.Sc. B.Ed.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. (Mathematics)
Program: B.Sc. B.Ed. (Mathematics)
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated Science
Program: B.Sc. M.Sc.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated  B.Sc. M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated  B.Sc. M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Zoology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated B.Sc. M.Sc.
Program: Zoology
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Biochemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated B.Sc. M.Sc.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Botany
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: B.Sc.
Program: Textiles
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: B.Voc. 
Program: Biomedical Sciences
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B.Voc. 
Program: Industrial Waste Management 
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Integrated M.A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Integrated M.A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Integrated  M.Sc.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: B.B.A.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: B. A.
Program: International Relations
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Integrated B.A. B.Ed.
Program: B.A. B.Ed.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Integrated  B.A.LLB. (Hons.)
Program: B.A.LLB.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Integrated M.Sc.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated  M.A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: B.Voc.
Program: Retail and Logistic Management
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: B.Voc.
Program: Retail and Logistic Management
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B.Voc.
Program: Retail Management 
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: B.Voc. 
Program: Tourism Management 
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: B.Voc.
Program: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: B.P.A.
Program: Music
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Diploma 
Program: Beauty & Wellness 
Offered By: CUJAM 

Degree: Integrated M.Sc. 
Program: Economics
Offered By: BASE

Degree: B.Des.
Program: Crafts and Design
Offered By: CURA

List of Postgraduate Programs

Degree: B. Ed.
Program: B. Ed.
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: B. Ed.
Program: B. Ed.
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: B. Ed.
Program: B. Ed.
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: B. Ed.
Program: B. Ed.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: LLM
Program: L.L.M
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: LLM
Program: LL.M.
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: LLM
Program: LL.M.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: LLM
Program: Master of Laws  (L.L.M)
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: LLM
Program: Master of Law  (L.L.M)
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: LLM
Program: Customary  Law & Tribal Governance
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: M.A. (Education)
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: M.A. (Education)
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. Ed.
Program: Master of Education
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. Ed.
Program: M.Ed.
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. Ed.
Program: M.Ed.
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M.Ed.
Program: M.Ed.
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Ed.
Program: M.Ed.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. Ed.
Program: M. Ed.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Ed.
Program: M.Ed.
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A.
Program: English Studies
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: English 
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: English
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: English and comparative Literature
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A.
Program: English and comparative Literature
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Linguistics and Language Technology
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Linguistics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Hindi and Comparative Literature
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Malayalam
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Punjabi
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: Classical Tamil Studies
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: Kannada
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: History
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: History
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: History
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: History
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: History and Archaeology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Performing Arts (Vocal Music)
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: Music and Fine Arts
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: Performing Arts (Theatre Arts)
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: Folkloristic and Tribal Studies
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: Anthropology & Tribal Studies, Folklore
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A. / M.Sc.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc. 
Program: Applied Geography & Geoinformatics
Program Code: PG059
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Geo - Informatics
Program Code: PG060
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Applied Geology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: MSW
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: MSW
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: MSW
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A. 
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. Arch.
Program: M. Arch. (Sustainable Architecture)
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Genomic Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Animal Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biochemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Science
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Animal Sciences)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Biochemistry)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Bioinformatics)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Human Genetics)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Microbial Sciences)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Molecular Medicine)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Life Sciences (specialization in Plant Sciences)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Plant Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biochemistry
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Nutrition Biology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Bioinformatics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Pharm.
Program: Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Pharm.
Program: Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Pharm
Program: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. Pharm.
Program: Pharmaceutics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry )
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry (Applied Chemistry)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry (Computational Chemistry)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed.
Program: Chemistry Edu
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: PG Diploma
Program: Chemical Lab Technician
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science (Big Data Analytics)
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: MCA
Program: Master of Computer Applications 
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: MCA
Program: Master of Computer Applications
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Sc. 
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc. 
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc. 
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed.
Program: Mathematics Edu
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A. / M.Sc.
Program: MA/MSc Mathematics
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A. / M.Sc.
Program: MA/MSc Mathematics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed.
Program: Physics Edu
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Physics (Computational Physics)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A. / M.Sc.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Computer Science (Cyber - Physical Systems)
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Information Technology
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Computer Science and Technology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Computer Science 
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Computer Science and Technology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Computer Science and Technology (Cyber Security)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: PG Diploma
Program: Cyber Security
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Material Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Material Sciences & Tech.
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Food Science and Technology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Water Engineering and Management
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Energy Engineering
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Tech.
Program: Nanotechnology
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science and Technology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Atmospheric Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Epidemiology and Public Health
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.P.H.
Program: Master of Public Health
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Sc.
Program: Yoga Therapy
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. Sc.
Program: Yoga Therapy
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Com.
Program: M.Com.
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.Com.
Program: M.Com.
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Com.
Program: M.Com.
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Com.
Program: M.Com.
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. Com.
Program: M. Com.
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. Com.
Program: M. Com.
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.Com.
Program: M.Com.
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Tourism and Travel Management)
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Agri-business Management)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: MBA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Textile, Apparel and Retail Management)
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: MTTM
Program: Master of Tourism & Travel Management
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M.H.M.C.T.
Program: Hotel Management & Catering Tech.
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Lib.&Info.Sc.
Program: M. Lib. & Information Science
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: MLIS
Program: M. Lib. & Information Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: Human Rights & Conflicts Management
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A. 
Program: Development Studies
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M.A.
Program: Comparative Religion
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: National Security Studies
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. Sc./M.A.
Program: Digital Society
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. Des.
Program: Crafts and Design
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: PG Diploma
Program: Guidance & Counselling
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: Customary Law & Tribal Governance
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: MA(JMC)
Program: Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Convergent Journalism
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: Culture and Media Studies
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A.
Program: Mass Communication and New Media
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A.
Program: Mass Communication
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: Communication and Media Studies
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Mass Communication
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: Journalism and Mass Communication
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: International Relations and Political Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Political Science and International Relations
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: International Relations 
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. A.
Program: Public Policy and Public Administration
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M.A.
Program: Public Admin. & Policy Studies
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Public Policy, Law and Governance
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M.P.Ed.
Program: M.P.Ed.
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M.A.
Program: Environmental Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: Applied Qualitative Finance
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: Financial Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: General Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: Actuarial Economics
ffered By: CUTND

Degree: M.A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated M.Sc. B.Ed.
Program: Economics Edu
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. A.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Urdu
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. A.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M. A.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. Sc.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. Sc.
Program: Applied Psychology
Offered By: CUTND

List of M.Phil. and /or Ph.D. Research Programme

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Architecture
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Animal Sciences
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Animal Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Atmospheric Sciences
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Plant Sciences
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Plant Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biochemistry 
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Microbial Sciences
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biochemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Biotechnology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Microbiology
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Life Sciences
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Molecular Biology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Life Sciences
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Life Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Nutrition Biology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Bio -Informatics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Genomic Science 
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Zoology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Botany
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Human Genetics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Molecular Medicine
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: Chemistry
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Commerce
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Computer Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science & Technology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science & Technology
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science and Engineering
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computer Science and Information Technology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Comparative Religion and Civilization
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Electrical Engineering
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Anthropology, History & Archaeology, Linguistics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Integrated Economics
Program: M Phil
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Economics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: English
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: English
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: English
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English (Applied Linguistics)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English & Comparative Literature
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: English Studies
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Science
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Environmental Sciences
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Geography
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Geology
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi and Comparative Literature
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Hindi
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Material Sciences and Technology
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Materials Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Pharmacy 
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Medicinal Chemistry
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Pharmacy
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Physics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Public Policy, Law and Governance
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Public Administration & Policy Studies
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Public Health and Community Medicine
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Epidemiology & Public Health
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Social Work
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Psychiatric Social Work
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Sociology
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: History & Archaeology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: History
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: History & Archaeology
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Statistics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Tamil
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Tamil
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Kannada
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Classical Kannada
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Malayalam
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Tibetan Language
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics 
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mathematics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mass Communication
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Journalism
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Mass Communication
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mass Communication
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Culture & Media Studies
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Mass Communication & New Media
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Communication & Media Studies
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph. D.
Program: Mass Communication & Media Studies 
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Tribal Folklore, Language & Literature
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Human Rights
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Nanotechnology
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Water Engineering & Management
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Energy Engineering
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Geoinformatics
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Music & Performing Arts
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Music
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Music
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: International Relations
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: International Relations and Politics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: M.Phil.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CURAJ

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Education
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Education
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Management
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Management
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Management
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Human Resource Management
Offered By: CUJAM

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Management Studies
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Management Studies
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Business Administration
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. Phil
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Political Science & International Relations
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Political Science
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Law
Offered By: CUHAR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Law
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Law
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Law (Environment Law, Human Rights Law, Corporate Law)
Offered By: CUPUN

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Customary Law and Tribal Governance
Offered By: CUJHD

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUKNK

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Psychology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Applied Psychology
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Applied Psychology
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Clinical Psychology
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Integrated MPhil/PhD
Program: Urdu
Offered By: CUKAS

Degree: M. Phil.
Program: Library and Information Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Library and Information Science
Offered By: CUTND

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Development Studies
Offered By: CUSBR

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Linguistics
Offered By: CUKER

Degree: Ph.D.
Program: Computational Sciences
Offered By: CUPUN

CUCET टेस्ट सेंटर

CUCET  परीक्षा केंद्रों के नाम नीचे देखें

  • अहमदाबाद
  • इलाहाबाद
  • अमृतसर
  • आसनसोल
  • बांदरसिंदरी (CURAJ) अजमेर
  • बैंगलोर
  • बठिंडा
  • बेगूसराय
  • भद्रवाह
  • भागलपुर
  • भोपाल
  • भुवनेश्वर
  • बीदर
  • बीकानेर
  • ब्रह्मपुर
  • कालीकट
  • चंडीगढ़
  • चेन्नई
  • कोयंबटूर
  • दावनगेरे
  • देहरादून
  • धनबाद
  • गया
  • गुवाहाटी
  • हिसार
  • हुबली
  • हैदराबाद
  • इंदौर
  • जबलपुर
  • जयपुर
  • जम्मू
  • जमशेदपुर
  • जोधपुर
  • कालाबुरागी / गुलबर्गा
  • कलपेट्टा (व्यानद)
  • कन्नूर (थालास्सेरी)
  • कारगिल
  • कासरगोड
  • कठुआ
  • कोच्चि
  • कोलकाता
  • कोटा
  • कोट्टायम
  • लेह
  • लखनऊ
  • लुधियाना
  • मदुरै
  • महेंद्रगढ़
  • मंगलौर
  • मुंबई
  • मुजफ्फरपुर
  • मैसूर
  • नागरकोईल
  • नागपुर
  • नई दिल्ली
  • पलक्कड़
  • पटियाला
  • पटना
  • पुणे
  • पूर्णिया
  • रायचुर
  • रायपुर
  • राजौरी
  • रांची
  • संबलपुर
  • शिमला
  • सीकर
  • सिवान
  • सोलापुर
  • श्रीनगर
  • तिरुवनंतपुरम
  • थिरुवरुर
  • त्रिशूर
  • तिरुचिरापल्ली (त्रिची)
  • उदयपुर
  • उधमपुर
  • वाराणसी
  • विजयवाड़ा
  • विशाखापट्टनम
  • यादगीर

CUCET  संपर्क विवरण

CUCET में सभी भाग लेने वाले विश्वविद्यालयों और संस्थानों के लिए संपर्क विवरण नीचे देखें

CUCET हेल्पडेस्क (24 X 7)

मोबाइल नंबर: + 91-8130609018

गुजरात केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
फोन: 079-23260092

राजस्थान केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
फोन: 01463-238728

हरियाणा केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
फोन: + 91-8222876763

जम्मू केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
फोन: + 91-8082197958

झारखंड केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: + 91-9709601492

कर्नाटक केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 08477 226707/08477 226756

कश्मीर केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 01942315290

केरल केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
फोन: 0467-2232505

पंजाब केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 0164-2864109 / 094642-69330

दक्षिण बिहार केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 9472979367/07739404812/09430906504

तमिलनाड़ू केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 04366-277337

बेंगलुरु डॉ. बी आर अम्बेडकर स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स (BASE)
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 080-22355141

इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ क्राफ्ट्स एंड डिजाइन (IICD), जयपुर
ईमेल आईडी: [email protected]
फोन: 0141-2701504, एक्सट। 41, 9460673297

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