Indian Council of Philosophical Research

Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) is an Apex Body which was established in March 1977 under the Department of Higher Education and Ministry of Human Resource Development. But it was only in July 1981 that it started functioning actively with the appointment of its first chairperson Prof. D.P. Chattopadyaya. 

Organization of ICPR

Governing Body of ICPR consists of: 

  • The Chairman
  • Member-Secretary, not less than three or more than eight members appointed by the Council
  • A representative each of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Finance 
  • Two nominees of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, administers, directs and controls the affairs of the Council. 

The Research Project Committee, includes the Chairman, not less than five or more than nine members appointed by the Council and the Member-Secretary. This Commmittee scrutinizes and sanctions grants-in-aid for the projects and other proposals received or planned by the Council. The Finance Committee scrutinizes the budget estimates and other proposals involving expenditure.

ICPR grants a number of fellowships to scholars especially young ones to promote research in philosophy at various levels to engage themselves on a whole time basis, in areas of their interest or those identified by the Council.

Aims and Objectives of ICPR 

  • Reviewing the timely progress of research in Philosophy
  • Sponsoring and assisting in projects or programmes of research in Philosophy;
  • Providing financial support to institutions and organizations engaged in the conduct of research in Philosophy;
  • Providing technical assistance or guidance for the formulation of research projects and programmes in Philosophy, by individuals or institutions, and/or organize and support institutional or other arrangements for training in research methodology;
  • Indicating areas of research for prospective scholars
  • Co-ordinate research activities in Philosophy and encourage programme of inter-disciplinary research;
  • Organize, sponsor and assist seminars, special courses, study circles, working groups and conferences for promoting research in Philosophy, and to establish institutes for the same purpose;
  • To give grants for publication of digests, journals, periodicals and scholarly works devoted to research in Philosophy and also to undertake their publication;
  • To institute and administer fellowships, scholarships and awards for research in Philosophy by students, teachers and others;
  • To develop and support documentation services, including maintenance and supply of data, preparation of an inventory of current research in Philosophy and compilation of a national register of philosophers;
  • To promote collaboration in research between Indian philosophers and philosophical institutions and those from other countries;
  • To take special steps to develop a group of talented young philosophers and to encourage research by young philosophers working in universities and other institutions;
  • Advise the Government of India on matters pertaining to teaching and research in philosophy as may be referred to it by the Government of India from time to time;
  • To enter into collaboration on mutually agreed terms, with other institutions, organizations and agencies for the promotion of research in Philosophy;
  • To promote teaching and research in Philosophy;
  • Generally to take all such measures as may be found necessary from time to time to promote research in Philosophy; and
  • To create academic, administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts in the Council within the provisions of the Rules and Regulations.

ICPR Main Office
Darshan Bhawan
36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
Mehrauli Badarpur Road
Near Batra Hospital
New Delhi – 110 062
General Enquiry (Exchange): 91 11 2990 1516, 2990 1527, 2990 1506 

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