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How to help Children Build Relations with Parents and Others
Relationships are forged from birth and parents are the first in line in
this respect. By forming relationships from an early stage, children
discover who they are and also learn to understand various feelings
which are conveyed through touch, words and facial expressions. Babies
start developing relationships from birth.
Have you ever
realised why is the newborn attached to her mother? This is because she
recognises her face from the time she breastfeeds her. She understands
that this person is special as she is a loving person and calms her down
when she is in pain or feeling hungry. Feeling of trust and love start
developing immediately.
As the child grows, she starts
connecting with others through some fun activity. Playing simple games
like peek-a boo with elder sibling or grandparents can be a great way of
connecting with a loved one. The child understands that spending time
together is pleasurable and satisfying.
A one and a half year
old or a two year old wants to try out something new. It could be
climbing up a high bed or cutting a packet of favourite chips, one
should not be discouraged from doing such activities. With proper
guidance the toddler can be encouraged to do such activities so that he
can learn that his interests are taken care of.
Tips for a Better Relation
in your child’s activities. Show interest in whatever your child is
involved in. Even if it means watching Tom and Jerry, you should sit
with your child and watch the show so that she understands that she gets
the attention she requires. Forget age and time and play with your
child. Hop, skip and jump to be part of his growing up period. He will
also learn values like paying in a group and building relationships. You
can also ask your 4 and 5 year old to be part of simple household
chores like doing the bed or putting back toys inside the basket or
folding the clothes. This will help the little one to understand the
value of sharing work with loved one.
Understand and respect your
child’s feelings. This is the time when a child starts showing
different feelings. It teaches your child to trust her instincts. As a
parent you should respect her feeling without making fun or rebuking
her. We should accept their feelings and also start sharing the same
emotions. This will improve the confidence of the child. The child at
the same time should be encouraged to behave in an age appropriate
manner. Teach your children especially older ones to vent their anger in
ways like drawing a picture or backward counting. They can also write
their feelings on a piece of paper as it will help them overcome their
Provide opportunities to develop relationships with
siblings and peers. Encourage your children to play in groups as it will
help them learn to share, and resolve fights. Arrange for play dates as
it will not only foster relations with peers but also help adult
interaction which the child will see and learn. These play dates can be
used to nurture existing relations and make new ones. You can teach them
how to interact with different kinds of children, how to share food and
toys and also help others when they need it. For example, if a child
falls while playing, you should encourage your child to help the other
one get up rather than mocking him.