The ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), India was established in February, 1988 to cater to the plant protection needs of different agro-ecological zones of the country. In spite of a large expert workforce across different plant protection disciplines, there are still epidemics of pests on different crops in the recent past with the chronic pest problems assuming serious proportions. The Centre has a strong institutional network in place to take on the challenges of plant protection in the country in a harmonized manner.
NCIPM regularly conducts training programmes, refresher courses and workshops for the benefit of Master Trainers from ICAR institutes, State Agricultural Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendra personnel, State Agricultural Department personnel, Industry people, NGO's in IPM and related areas. The focus is on imparting training and educating latest developments in the field of IPM. The topics covered are use of genetic components, cultural practices, bio-pesticides, biotechnology, mass production of bio-control agents, safer use of pesticides, pesticide residues, weed management, judicious use of pesticides, use of information technology and managing natural resources. The programmes are usually of 5-10 days duration and include lectures by eminent IPM workers from NCIPM as well from other institutes as well as IPM field visits followed by hands-on training on mass production of bio-control agents.
NCIPM Awards and Honors
Krishi Bhushan Award-2019Dr. R.V. Singh was awarded 'Krishi Bhushan Award-2019' during in Manthan-5 and National Agricultural Business Summit-2019 at Samrat Ashok Technology Institute, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh during 13-14 December, 2019.
Rajshree Tandon Award-2018ICAR-NCIPM secured 'Rajshree Tandon Award' for 2018 under the category of small institutes for excellent administrative work in Rajbhasha on the occasion of 91st ICAR-foundation day held in New Delhi on 16 July, 2019.
Excellence in Research Award-2019Dr Ajanta Birah was awarded 'Excellence in Research Award -2019' for excellent contribution in the field of agriculture by Dr. Ram Avatar Shiksha Samiti (DRASS), Lucknow University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on 12 July, 2019.
First prize in small institution categoryICAR-NCIPM received frst prize in small institution category from Town official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC), North Zone, New Delhi at NASC complex, Pusa, New Delhi on 26 June, 2019
Life time Achievement AwardDr. H. R. Sardana was the recipient of 'Life time Achievement Award' for his outstanding contribution in field of crop protection at the National Conference on identification, convergence, implementation & extension of researchable issues for sustainable development, held at SVPUA &T, Modipuram, Uttar Pradesh during 20-21 April, 2019.
Bioved Honorary Fellowship AwardDr. H. R. Sardana received the 'Bioved Honorary Fellowship Award' for outstanding contribution for sustainable development of agriculture by the Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh on 16 Feb, 2019.
Late Dr Sanjay Kushwaha Memorial Award-2018Dr S Vennila was awarded 'Late Dr Sanjay Kushwaha Memorial Award-2018' at Ist International conference of Society for Plant Protection Sciences, at Tabiji, Ajmer, Rajasthan during 20-22 Dec, 2018.
Prize for IPM stallDr Surender Kumar Singh was awarded second prize for IPM stall in International Agriculture Horti Expo during 19-22 Dec, 2018 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Dr D Bap Reddy Memorial for Biennium 2016-2018Dr. S. Vennila awarded 'Dr D Bap Reddy Memorial Award' for the Biennium 2016-2018 by Plant Protection Association of India at NIPHM, Hyderabad on 20 April, 2018.
Krishi Vigyan Gaurav award-2017Dr Niranjan Singh, Dr S Vennila, H Yadav and Ajay Kumar Singh were awarded ‘Krishi Vigyan Gaurav Award-2017', by Bharathiya Anusandhan Sanchar Kendra, Karnal, Haryana on 29 Nov 2017.
Innovative Scientist awardDr R V Singh was awarded 'Innovative Scientist Award' by the Yashi Research Foundation at Anusandhan Sanchar Kendra, Karnal, Haryana on 23 Nov, 2017.
Venus International Research AwardsDr. Sumitra Arora was awarded 'International Distinguished Scientist Award' by Venus International Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 11 Nov, 2017.
Outstanding Scientist in Agriculture Award-2017Dr. Mukesh Sehgal was awarded 'Outstanding Scientist in Agriculture Award-2017' by Scientific Educational Research Society, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh during 19-23 June, 2017.
Late Shri P.P. Singhal Ji Award-2017Dr. D.B. Ahuja was awarded 'Late Shri P.P. Singhal Ji Award-2017' for his eminent contributions in field of Entomology at UBKVV, Cooch Behar, W. Bengal on 17 Feb, 2017.
Best Annual Report (2015-16)Dr. D.B. Ahuja, Director, ICAR-NCIPM received the 'Best Annual Report Award' for the year 2015-16 in ICAR Directors' Conference on 14 Feb, 2017.
Fellow Mobilization awardDr. Sumitra Arora was awarded 'Fellow Mobilization Award' by Society of Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, IARI, New Delhi in 2017.
Venus International FoundationDr Surender Kumar Singh was awarded 'Distinguished Scientist in Entomology Award' by Venus International Foundation, Chennai in 2017.
Samagra Vikas Welfare Society AwardDr. Sumitra Arora was awarded for excellence in research by Samagra Vikas Welfare Society, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in 2017.
Late Shri P.P. Singhal Ji Award-2015Dr. S. Vennila was awarded 'Late Shri P.P. Singhal Ji Award' her contributions in the field of Entomology at MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan on 23 April, 2015.
Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration (2012-13)Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP)-Maharashtra, a colloaborative initiative of ICAR-NCIPM, Commissionerate of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra and others was awarded 'Prime Minister's Award' for 2012-13 for Excellence in Public Administration.
MK Patil Young Scientist Award-2013Dr. Someshwar Bhagat was awarded the prestrgeous 'M.K. Patil Award-2013' by Indian Phyto Pathological Society, New Delhi.
National e-Governance Award-2012Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP)-Maharashtra, a colloaborative initiative of ICAR-NCIPM, Commissionerate of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra and others was awarded Gold medal for exemplary use of ICT-based solutions in 15th National Conference on e-Governance, at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha during 9-10 Feb, 2012.
Endeavour Post Doctoral FellowshipDr. Sumitra Arora was awarded 'Endeavour Post Doctoral Fellowship' by the Department of Education, Employment and workplace Relations, Australia for April-Oct, 2010.
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Extension Scientist/Worker Award for Biennium 2007-2008Dr. P. Jeyakumar was awarded 'Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Extension Scientist/Worker Award' for biennium 2007-2008 during ICAR foundation day held in New Delhi on 16, July, 2009.
ICAR Outstanding Team Award for Bennium 2005-06ICAR-NCIPM Rice IPM team comprising Dr D.K. Garg, Dr M.D. Jeswani, Dr R.K. Tanwar, Shri Vikas Kanwar, Shri S.P. Singh and Dr O.M. Bambawale was awarded 'ICAR Outstanding Team Award' for bennium 2005-06.
The ICAR Outstanding Team Award for Biennium 2001-02ICAR-NCIPM Cotton IPM team comprising Dr. Amerika Singh, Dr. O.M. Bambawale, Dr. O.P. Sharma, Sh. R.C. Lavekar, Dr. A. Dhandapani, Dr. S.N. Puri, Dr. C. D. Mayee, Dr. S.K. Murthy was also awarded 'ICAR outstanding team award' for biennium 2001-02.
NCIPM Patents
- Insect egg cleaning device
- Aerial insect trap
- Field kit for the multiplication of insect larval parasitoid
- A bio-pesticide formulation for controlling insect pests and diseases (2018)
- Light trap for managing insects (2018)
- Non-sticky insect trap(2018)
- Insect oviposition and egg collection apparatus (2018)
- Light trap for managing insects also granted patent by Australia, Indonesia and Vietnam Governments
NCIPM Contact Details
ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management