National Council of Rural Institutes

National Council of Rural Institutes designs, develops and promotes curriculum inputs for higher education programmes offered by Universities and Autonomous Institutions in India.  NCRI strives to promote resilient rural India through Higher Education interventions. The higher educational streams of focus for NCRI include: Rural Studies, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Education. The curriculum inputs are both theoretical and practical field-related relevant to rural India.

Vision of NCRI

To involve higher education curriculum in India in the process of building resilient rural India i.e., Uthkrisht Gram for Unaat Bharat

Mission of NCRI

Formulate and recognise curricular inputs and accredit courses and higher educational institutions, which enable development of sustainable, climate and disaster resilient rural livelihoods. 

Objectives of NCRI

  • To study rural society and rural economy through higher educational institutions in order to address the development needs and challenges through participatory mechanisms and appropriate technological responses basing on local resources.
  • To work with higher educational institutions covering Natural and Social Sciences, Management Sciences and Engineering for developing curricula addressing challenges of rural communities for finding appropriate technology options to promote a just and equitable economic and social development
  • To adopt interdisciplinary approach and work with faculty members and Post Doctoral Fellows, through workshops for addressing challenges of the rural communities in finding appropriate social and economic responses as per the local and global opportunities in livelihoods.
  • To develop a pool of researchers and academics across the disciplines interested in and working for rural communities leveraging academic inputs for higher education. 
  • To enable studies on issues and impediments in human resource development initiatives of the Government of India focused on rural India, studying failure and success stories and fine tuning the programmes and their implementation through curriculum interventions in higher education.
  • To network with educational institutions of higher learning, local governments, development agencies, Local Governments, gram sabhas and Industry in order to develop synergic convergence of human resources which are socially and economically just and inclusive for the vulnerable sections of rural India
  • NCRI views the country in terms of 6 regions and works with the Central and State Universities and Central as well as State Institutes in each region. 
  • NCRI supports ‘nationally coordinated projects’, ‘regionally coordinated projects’, ‘projects by network partners’ and fellowship based study projects that could supplement the works initiated by it. 
  • NCRI projects are scrutinized, approved and monitored by professional committees of experts specially constituted annually to monitor them 

National Council of Rural Institutes
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
5-10-174, Shakar Bhavan,
Ground Floor, Basheerbagh,
Email: [email protected]

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