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Pharmacy Council of India
The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) is the statutory body of government of India established under the Pharmacy Act 1948 under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. It is the apex body of the government for regularization of pharmacy education and industry in the country.
PCI has been given the responsibility by the government for prescription, regulation and maintenance of minimum educational standards for the training of pharmacists uniformly in the country.
Objectives of Pharmacy Council of India
- Regulation of the Pharmacy Education in the Country for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act.
- Regulation of Profession and Practice of Pharmacy.
Functions and Responsibilities of Pharmacy Council of India
- To prescribe minimum standard of education required for qualifying as a pharmacist.
- Framing of Education Regulations prescribing the conditions to be fulfilled by the institutions seeking approval of the PCI for imparting education in pharmacy.
- To ensure uniform implementation of the educational standards through out the country.
- Inspection of Pharmacy Institutions seeking approval under the Pharmacy Act to verify availability of the prescribed norms.
- To approve the course of study and examination for pharmacists i.e. approval of the academic training institutions providing pharmacy courses.
- To withdraw approval, if the approved course of study or an approved examination does not continue to be in conformity with the educational standards prescribed by the PCI.
- To approve qualifications granted outside the territories to which the Pharmacy Act extends i.e. the approval of foreign qualification.
- To maintain Central Register of Pharmacists.
List of Approved Colleges
PCI keeps a close vigil on institutes registered with it. It controls the training and infrastructure quality and conducts regular audits.The council also updates the government machinery about the status and courses of such institutes. Any candidate willing to pursue pharmacy education as a career requires to check, whether a diploma / degree etc, he / she is going to earn from a particular institute is recognized and registered with Pharmacy Council of India or not. The recognition of degree as well as institute is mandatory.
State Councils
Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council
2nd Floor, 21st Century Complex, Nampally,
HYDERABAD-500 001 (A.P.)
Phone: O361- 261865 , 281630, 224196
Assam Pharmacy Council
C/o Dte.of Health Services, Dispur P.O., Hengrabari,
GAUHATI - 791 006 (Assam)
Bihar Pharmacy Council
B.M. Das Road, PATNA - 800 004 (Bihar)
0612- 2300095
Delhi Pharmacy Council
Room No. 198, Main Building, Old Secretariate, DELHI - 110 054
Phone: 23971285, 23918440
Gujarat State Pharmacy Council
Block No.0/4, New Mental Hospital, Complex Asarva, AHMEDABAD - 380 016 (Gujarat)
Phone: 079-22680060, 079-26443984
Email: pharmacy-guj [at] nic.in
Haryana State Pharmacy Council
S.C.F. 87, IInd Floor, Sector -4, PANCHKULA - 134 112 (Haryana)
Phone: 01684-240766
Karnataka State Pharmacy Council
No.514/E, Ist Main, Vijayanagar Club Road, R.P.C. Layout, Vijayanagar, 2nd Stage,
BANGALORE - 560 040 (Karnataka)
Kerala State Pharmacy Council
Pharmacy Bhavan, Public Health Laboratory Campus
Phone : O471-470951 (O)
Fax No.: 0471-572362
Website : www.pharmacycouncilkerala.org
Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council
E.S.I.S. Hospital Compound, Lal Bahadur Shastry Marg, Mullund (West)
MUMBAI - 400 080 (Maharashtra)
Phone: 5684418
Orissa Pharmacy Council
C/o Dte. of Health Services, Nandankanan Road,
BHUBANESHWAR - 17 (Orissa)
Phone: 481494
Punjab Pharmacy Council
C/o Privar Kalyan Bhawan, Room No. 102-103, (Ground Floor), Sector 34-A,
Phone: 01882-251506, 0172-2661181
Rajasthan Pharmacy Council
Sahkar Bhavan-22, Godown Circle Sardar Patel Dispensary Campus Sardar Patel Marg
JAIPUR - 302 006 (Rajasthan)
Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council
Block - E, Ist Floor,
Jawaharlal Nehru, Salai (100 feet), Inner Ring Road, Vadapalani,
CHENNAI - 600 026 (T.N.)
Phone: 044-4728747
U.P. Pharmacy Council
Flat No. 204,
Arif Ashiana Building, Nibu Bagh Chowk, LUCKNOW - 226 003 (U.P.)
Phone: 0522-2257518, 0522-2256570, 0522-2264980
West Bengal Pharmacy Council
8, Lyons Range, (3rd floor), CALCUTTA - 700 001 (W.B.)
Phone: 2206454
Chandigarh Pharmacy Council
General Hospital, Sector-16, CHANDIGARH - 160 016 (U.T.)
Himachal Pradesh Pharmacy Council
S.D.A. Complex, Kusumpti, SHIMLA - 171 009 (H.P.)
Phone: 0177-221842, 221224, 221466
Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council
J.P. Hospital Campus, P.O. Shivaji Nagar BHOPAL - 462 001 (M.P.)
Fax: 0755-2764481
Pharmacists Regn. Tribunal
C/o Dte. of Health Services, Nagaland, KOHIMA - 797 001 (Nagaland)
Phone: 0370-222263, 222626
Pondicherry Pharmacy Council
C/o Food & Drugs Administration, Govt. of Pondicherry, 1st Floor, Govt. Hospital Building, Murungapakkam PONDICHERRY - 605 004 (U.T.)
Phone: 0413-2353647
Goa State Pharmacy Council Govt. of Goa
C/o Directorate of Food & Drugs Administration D.B. Bandodkar Marg, PANAJI -GOA
Meghalaya Pharmacy Council
C/o Director of Health Services (MI),
Health & F.W. Department, MEGHALAYA (Shillong)
Phone: 94361-03924, 09431-21292
Mizoram Pharmacy Council
Directorate of Health Services, Mizoram, AIZAWL-796 001 (MIZORAM)
Phone: 0389-2313694
Tripura State Pharmacy Council
Health Directorate Building Gurkhabasti, P.O.-Kunjaban, Agartala,
TRIPURA - 799 006
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
C/o Director of Health Services, Health Department, Govt.of Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu, SILVASSA - 396 230 (U.T.)
Lakshadweep, C/o Director of Health Services,
Health Department, Lakshadweep Admn., KAVARATTI - 673 555 (U.T.)
Manipur Pharmacist Registration Tribunal
C/o Director of Health Services, Health Department, Govt. of Manipur,
IMPHAL - 795 001 (Manipur)
Phone: 03852-2310263, 2310768
Chattisgarh State Pharmacy Council
Chhattisgarh State Pharmacy Council Quarter No. -77, Sector No. - 3, Geetanjali Nagar RAIPUR (Chhattisgarh State)
Phone: 098261-60000, 09425570069
Registration Tribunal Pharmacy
Govt. Pharmacy Institute, Variyatu RANCHI - 834 009 (Jharkhand)
Fax : 0651-2540467
Phone: 09431371283, 0651-2547044
Uttaranchal Pharmacy Council
M.L.H 107, Chander Nagar DEHRADUN - 248 001 (Uttaranchal)
Phone: 09412962384