Indian Council of Social Science Research

Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) was established in 1969 by the Government of India to promote research in social sciences in the country. The objectives of the Council are:  

  • Reviewing the progress of social science research
  • Administering grants and scholarships to institutions and individuals for research in social sciences;
  • Indicate prospective areas where social sciences can be promoted and adopt special measures for development of research in neglected or new areas;
  • Give financial support to institutions, associations, and journals engaged in social science research;
  • Organise technical training in research methodology;
  • Support research activities and encourage interdisciplinary research;
  • Develop and support centers for documentation services and supply of data;
  • Organize, sponsor, and finance seminars, workshops and study groups;
  • Undertake publication and assist publication of journals and books in social sciences;
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), provides grants to scholars to conduct research in various fields of social sciences which have a theoretical, conceptual, methodological or policy orientation on the subject of their choice. 

Fellowships offered by ICSSR

ICSSR offers fellowships to eminent Indian Social Scientists for recognising their scholarly contributions and also giving them opportunities to engage themselves in full-time research. These research activities contribute in advancement of knowledge in social sciences. 

The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences are:

(i) Sociology and Social Anthropology;
(ii) Political Science / Public Administration;
(iii) Economics;
(iv) International Studies;
(v) Social Geography and Population Studies;
(vi) Commerce and Management;
(vii) Social Psychology;
(ix) Social Linguistics / Socio-Cultural Studies;
(x) Law / International Law;
(xi) National Security & Strategic Studies; and 
(xii) Other allied Social Science disciplines (Library Science, Social Work, Media Studies, Modern Social History, Health Studies, Gender Studies, Environmental Studies, Diaspora Studies, Area Studies, Sanskrit-Society & Culture, etc.) to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

National Fellowships are offered to eminent social scientists, who have made outstanding contributions to research in their respective fields, to enable them to continue their academic work further. There is no age bar for this category of fellowship.

Senior Fellowships are awarded to social scientists, no age limit, who have done quality research work, publications and papers in professional journals to their credit. Besides, civil servants, journalists and social workers known for their academic interests are also considered.

General Fellowships are awarded to scholars, preferably below the age of 50 years, who have shown significant promise and competence for research work, have completed their Ph.D. or have done equivalent research work of merit and desire to work on approved research themes at institutions of excellence under the guidance of senior social scientists.

Doctoral Fellowships are open to doctoral students, preferably below the age of 35 years, who have a Master's degree from a recognized university with a first or second class and are registered for a doctoral degree in social sciences.

Indian Council of Social Science Research
JNU Institutional Area 
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg 
New Delhi - 110067 (INDIA) 
E-mail: [email protected] 

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