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Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) is an autonomous institution set up by the University Grants Commission to promote nucleation and growth of active groups in astronomy and astrophysics in Indian universities.
Programmes in IUCAA
There are two broad programmes: core academic programmes and visitor academic programmes. Core academic programmes include basic research, the PhD programme, while Visitor academic programmes include the visitor and associates programme, refresher courses for teachers and helping the nucleation and growth of astronomy and astrophysics at Indian universities.
Admission in IUCAA
IUCAA National Admission Test (INAT)
This test and the subsequent interviews are generally conducted in the first week of December every year at IUCAA Pune.
Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)
This test is usually conducted at IUCAA, Pune, and at other centres in India on the third Sunday of February every year.
CSIR-UGC NET for JRF (Physics)
Only those who have qualified for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the previous two years are eligible to apply. Those who have qualified for only Lecturership are not eligible.
Eligibility for IUCAA PhD
The academic year at IUCAA begins in August every year. Students, who expect to complete their M.Sc. (in Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Mathematics) or Integrated M.Sc. or B.E. / B.Tech. / M.E. / M.Tech. degree (any branch) by August are eligible to apply. In addition, talented final year B.Sc., 1st year M.Sc. (in Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Mathematics), 2nd / 3rd year Integreted M.Sc. and 2nd / 3rd year B.E. / B.Tech. (any branch) students can also apply to be PRE-SELECTED for research scholarship (to do Ph.D.) at IUCAA.
There is no M.Sc. or B.Sc. programme at IUCAA. However, the University of Pune does offer optional courses in astronomy and astrophysics under their M.Sc. programme in physics. These courses are often taught by IUCAA faculty.
IUCAA-NCRA Graduate school
The IUCAA-NCRA graduate school (conducted jointly with the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), Pune) is meant for the Ph.D. students of IUCAA and NCRA. Coursework is divided into two semesters (four terms) spread over one year. Each term is of roughly seven weeks duration. Students are taught relevant advanced courses in physics and are also introduced to courses in astronomy and astrophysics. The graduate school structure is shown below. The number of teaching hours is shown in parentheses; the dates may vary slightly.
Research at IUCAA spans a wide range of fields. Current areas of active research include:
- Classical and quantum gravity
- Cosmic magnetic fields
- Cosmic Microwave Background studies
- Cosmology and large scale structure
- Galactic and extragalactic astronomy
- Gravitational waves
- High energy astrophysics
- Instrumentation for astronomy
- Interstellar medium
- Observational Astronomy (Optical, UV, X-ray and Radio)
- Solar Physics
- Solar system and stellar physics
- Virtual observatory
IUCAA, Post Bag 4
Savitribai Phule Pune University Campus
Pune 411 007, India
Tel: 91 20 2560 4100
Fax: 91 20 2560 4699