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National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) which was constitutes in 2009 is a financing, planning, implementing, monitoring and coordinating authority for the the River Ganga, functioning under the water resource ministry of India. The mission of the organisation is to safeguard the drainage basin which feeds water into the Ganges by protecting it from pollution or overuse.
In July 2014, the NGRBA has been transferred from the Ministry of Environment and Forests to the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, formerly Ministry of Water Resources (India).
The objective of the NGRBA is to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga by adopting a river basin approach for comprehensive planning and management The Authority has both regulatory and developmental functions. The Authority will take measures for effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga in keeping with sustainable development needs. These include;
Development of a river basin management plan;
Regulation of activities aimed at prevention, control and abatement of pollution in Ganga to maintain its water quality, and to take measures relevant to river ecology and management in the Ganga basin states;
Maintenance of minimum ecological flows in the river Ganga;
Measures necessary for planning, financing and execution of programmes for abatement of pollution in the river Ganga including augmentation of sewerage infrastructure, catchment area treatment, protection of flood plains, creating public awareness;
Collection, analysis and dissemination of information relating to environmental pollution in the river Ganga;
Investigations and research regarding problems of environmental pollution and conservation of the river Ganga;
Promotion of water conservation practices including recycling and reuse, rain water harvesting, and decentralised sewage treatment systems;
Monitoring and review of the implementation of various programmes or activities taken up for prevention, control and abatement of pollution in the river Ganga;
Government members of the Committee include:
Prime Minister of India, chair
Minister of Environment and Forests (Union Minister)
Minister of Finance
Minister of Urban Development
Minister of Water Resources
Minister of Power
Minister of Sciences and Technology
Chief Minister of Uttarakhand
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister of Bihar
Chief Minister of Jharkhand
Chief Minister of West Bengal
Ministry of Environment and Forests (state minister)