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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. It is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences and declared by the Government as an Institute of National Importance. The Institute provides leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Objectives of NIPER
Training scientists and researchers for improving the level of pharmaceutical education and research
- Continuing education programmes
- Creation of National Centres and upgrading teaching institutes to cater to the needs of pharmaceutical industries
- Collaboration with Indian industries to meet the global challenges
- Encouraging National and nternational collaborative research
- Aiding in Curriculum and media development
- Study of sociological aspects of drug 'use and abuse', and rural pharmacy, etc
- Conducting programmes on drug surveillance, community pharmacy and pharmaceutical management
Centres of NIPER
Central Instrumentation Laboratories (CIL)
The central instrumentation laboratories are equipped with major instruments like 400 MHz NMR, 300 MHz NMR, GC-MSn, GCMS , Head Space GC, LC-MSn, Powder XRD, MALDI TOF-TOF MS, FTIR with ATR & microscope , UV-VIS spectrophotometers, CHNS-Elemental analyzer, Polarimeter, Circular Dichroism, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Analytical and preparative HPLC systems, DSC, TGA, Spectroflourimeter, Capillary Electrophoresis, Lyophilizer and Ultra Centrifuge etc.
Central Animal Facility (CAF)
NIPER is registered with Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climatic Change, Government of India for the Research for education, Research for the commercial purpose, Breeding for in-house use and Breeding for the purpose of trading of small laboratory animals.
Computer Aided Drug Design Laboratory
One of the important centres of NIPER is the Computer Aided Drug Design Laboratory which has Silicone Graphics Octane and Silicone Graphics Fuel main frame computers with various molecular modeling packages. The objective of this laboratory is to rationally design new chemical entities for various therapeutic areas.
Combichem Research Laboratory
The Institute has recently created a Combichem Research Laboratory. The fully automated Multiple
Organic Synthesiser with on-line analytical facility will enable high speed solution and solid phase
synthesis of libraries of molecules. Apart from its own research needs, the Institute makes this facility open for custom synthesis of small molecule libraries and training researchers from pharmaceutical companies and other institutions/organisation.
Peptide Synthesis and Research Laboratory
NIPER has recently created state-of-the-art solid phase peptide synthesis facility. Institute is open to inquiries related to custom peptide synthesis from various pharmaceutical companies, research institutes and agencies interested in peptides for research.
Pharmacological and Toxicological Screening Facilities
The Institute can carry out :
- Pharmacological screening of NCE’s
- Safety pharmacology
- in vivo Mutagenicity
- in vitro Cell proliferation and cytotoxicity
Small and Medium Pharmaceutical Industry Centre (SMPIC)
Department of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India announced the setting up of a dedicated centre for
Small and Medium Pharmaceutical Industries (SMPIs) at Pharmaceutical Advisory Forum (PAF) on 23rd April 2008. SMPIC came into existence from 23rd February, 2009. This centre aims at creating commercial synergy between industry and academia,
and for furthering the spirit of cooperation.
Technology Development Centre (TDC)
NIPER undertakes sponsored projects for the development of economically viable processes for
bulk pharmaceutical chemicals of synthetic or natural products origin, conventional and
novel dosage forms.
The National Bioavailability Centre (NBC)
The National Bioavailability Centre of the Institute is capable of conducting bioequivalence studies in healthy human volunteers. The centre has 24 bedded air conditioned volunteer room with sophisticated equipments required to carry out the in vitro and in vivo analysis of samples. Already many industrial projects have been completed and many more are planned.
Pharmaceutical Heritage Centre (PHC)
The Pharmaceutical Heritage Centre was established to cater information on the development of our
health care system from the ancient system to the current era of pharmaceuticals.
Computer Centre (CC)
The Computer Centre caters to the needs of faculty, staff and students for their research and teaching. This facility created at NIPER, S.A.S. Nagar is the central facility to establish a nationwide grid for carrying out pharmaceutical research with cutting edge technology.
Library and Information Centre
The foundation Stone of NIPER library was laid on 24th July 1992 and by 1995 the library started functioning. The library at NIPER started in a manner that it can eventually gain the status of National Library and Information Centre in the Pharmaceutical Sciences.
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar - 160062, Punjab (INDIA).
Phone: 91(172)-2292000, 2214682-87 Extn.-2005