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Universities in India and Institutes of Higher Education
The higher education in India is offered by Universities and Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs). After completion of twelve years of school education to further studies students get admission into Universities to obtain under graduate degree. An under graduate programme may take 3/4/5 year to complete depending on whether you are enrolled in a general eudcation programme or Honors; technical or general etc. A medical Under Graduate programme take five and half year for completion. Also after completion of undergraduate university degree you may go for post graduate programmes like master’s and doctoral etc.
The universities are responsible to take interested students and teach curriculum which prepare them for life and industry. For the purpose inside an university you will find many departments, schools, research centers etc. Universities also provide affiliation to teaching centers outside campus like colleges, research centers and many other training programmes.
When you are enrolled in a college while classes are delivered by college the examination is administered by university with which college is attached. Also there are many autonomous colleges those are independent to administer own examination.
The highest appointed authority of an university is Vice Chancellor (VC). In case of autonomous bodies this position is as equivalent to Director. All university departments functions under the administration of VC Office.
Broadly speaking universities are of three types
- Government Universities
- Private Universities
- Semi Government Universities
The government universities are fully subsidized while private universities are self supported. Semi Government universities receives limited financial support from government.
Often Universities are residential in nature, hostels are provided to students so they can live and learn in the campus. This adds to better academic performance.However, there are also many universities and colleges where hostel facility is limited or not available; students need to arrange for living facilities.
The University education comes under the administration of
University Grants Commission (UGC). All universities functions according to guidelines provided by UGC which is independent body for administration of University Education in India.
Across India, you can find many different type of universities, viz; Government University, Private University, Deemed University, Autonomous Colleges etc.
At IndiaEducation we strive to serve university information to students, parents, educators and everyone under one common platform ‘University Hub’. Here you will get detailed information about an university, courses, colleges, departments, centers, admission, examination, scholarship, university news, exam result and counseling etc. Also when you a have a question about university education you can talk to our career guide.