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Career in Visual and Performing Arts
If you think you can be the next Pablo Picasso or Mozart or the next Dolce and Gabbana, then you are reading just the right section.
Choosing a career in Visual and Performing arts would not only be financially rewarding but fulfilling as well. All visual and performing arts lovers have the wonderful opportunity to translate their hobby into their profession. Study of visual and performing arts includes areas like theater, graphic design, music, and studio art.
Graduates of visual and performing arts are more in demand than you might think. They not only work in studios, television houses or motion picture productions. They are also in demand in publishing, advertising, public relations, and marketing sectors.
Most of the visual arts don’t require bachelor’s degree but training from an early stage like dancers, musicians and painters. It could be difficult to get the initial breakthrough in this field, but once an established professional, you are bound to rise up the ladder amidst fame and glamor.
Click below for the list of careers in visual and performing arts: