Secondary School Teachers in India

One of the biggest attractions of teaching at secondary level is the variety of work involved. During a typical day you'll teach a number of different classes made up of different year groups and these classes may contain pupils with various abilities, attitudes and experiences. An effective secondary school teacher can have a huge impact on a pupil's life, but to leave a lasting impression and deal with the daily challenges of managing a classroom of 11 to 16 year olds requires a mix of soft and specific skills. 

Skills of Secondary School Teachers in India

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to build strong relationships
  • Strong subject knowledge
  • Understanding the ability of students
  • Good Time Management
  • Patience and tolerance
  • Organisational skills
  • Leadership and motivational skills
  • A supportive and caring nature

Role of Secondary School Teachers

  • Coordinating activities and resources within a specific area of the curriculum, 
  • Developing lesson plans
  • Preparing activities and charts for the children
  • Taking assessments on a regular basis
  • Preparing and presenting lessons that cater for the needs of the whole class
  • Providing time to time feedback to the parents

Academic Qualification

One who wants to teach higher classes can pursue PGT and TGT courses after passing Master's degree. One can also do vocational courses to get benefits of a specific field. One needs to do a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree from a reputed university which is usually of 2 years duration including classroom teaching, A BEd degree is essential  for all secondary teachers whether teaching in a private or a government school.

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