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The world has become complex. Lives of people are complicated. To get your marriage registered, you need a lawyer. To buy a house or rent it out, you need to sign legal documents. To have your invention patented, you need to seek advice of a lawyer.
The importance of legal and paralegal services in today’s society cannot be overemphasized. It is difficult to imagine the state of affairs in the absence of legal services in today’s world. Legal officers are agents of peace and order in the society. Legal service is a complex process that entails a team of skilled professionals offering quality and cost-effective service. Therefore, the legal field holds several legal career options covering a wide range of skills, experience and education. Developments in the law and technology are also creating new legal career opportunities.
The legal profession in India has undergone a substantial change over the last few decades. Earlier it was seen more of a family profession. The families had been choosing law as professions for generations. But the scene has changed today. Anyone having the traits and passion for this field opt for the various legal careers. Legal professions in India have moved beyond the traditional criminal and civil lawyer. These days law aspirants in India work in corporate houses, law agencies, law firms, litigation, administrative services and many more.
The careers included in legal and paralegal services are: